One group – 900 employees – one goal:
Not only talking about sustainability, but also acting accordingly.
We are particularly concerned about protecting our planet and its diversity, therefore we decided to reduce our footprint.
For us, this is the logical step to advance our sustainable idea. We have only one earth – let’s protect it.
We have already implemented some important projects:
- All German sites procure climate-compensated electricity
- PV modules are installed on our roofs at the Jettingen site, enabling us to generate around 70 % of the factory's annual electricity requirements.
- Most of our suppliers are located within a radius of 50km
- We have completely converted our factory premises to LED lighting
- We rely on sustainable materials in the production of our games/puzzles and are FSC® certified
- We have been separating our waste for a long time

In Zimbabwe, 32.7% of people in rural areas do not have access to an improved water source, in stark contrast to the 97% served in urban areas. This problem is exacerbated by the economic problems the country has faced in recent years, which have contributed to 75% of rural water points being non-functional.
The project was carried out in eastern Zimbabwe, in the Manica region. This region is very rural and many water sources have been lost due to poor maintenance and high costs. By selling carbon credits it is possible to build and maintain water pumps. This provides safe and clean water to local households and communities. The safe water supply eliminates the need to boil water using firewood.
To date, the project provides 11,870 people with access to safe water, delivers over 32 million liters of clean, safe water annually, and saves approximately 10,000 tCO2e in emissions annually.
- Health and Well-Being: Families who do not have the means to purchase or the time to collect firewood no longer have to put their health at risk by consuming unclean water. Clean drinking water significantly reduces cases of diarrhea and other waterborne diseases.
- Gender equality: The burden of fetching water and collecting firewood falls disproportionately on women and children, who usually have to walk miles each day. Fetching water from remote locations also poses a risk from attacks by wild animals. The water pumps reduce the time spent collecting firewood.
- Clean water and sanitation: The reliable source of clean water allows households to spend more time on income-generating activities and reduces expenditures on firewood. In particular, they benefit from the time they gain to improve their education.
- Climate protection: the water pumps reduce the time needed to fetch water and eliminate the need to collect firewood for cooking. This significantly reduces the consumption of firewood as well as carbon emissions.

Despite its protected status, the rainforest is severely degraded due to its attractive resources. The region surrounding the forest is one of the most densely populated rural areas in the world – over 500 inhabitants live per square kilometer – and 90 percent of the people rely on firewood as fuel for heating and cooking. The Kakamega Forest has lost nearly 50 percent of its area since 1933.
The project has found a solution by purchasing ceramic stove tops that are manufactured locally, which boosts the local economy and provides income for the stove top manufacturers. Through the sale of carbon credits, the project purchases these panels and installs built-in cookstoves in rural homes to replace traditional 3-stone fireplaces.
By providing these fuel-efficient cookstoves to rural communities, household wood consumption is cut nearly in half, meaning that wood collection is reduced from three times a week to once a week. This will significantly reduce deforestation of the Kakamega rainforest. The efficient stoves also produce less soot and smoke, resulting in less respiratory illness in women and children. The project will save around 375,000 tons of CO2e released into the atmosphere each year.
Conservation is not sustainable without improving livelihoods. This project is having a major impact by preserving natural forests, creating jobs for underserved populations, improving the livelihoods of local communities, and building a skilled workforce. The project is registered under the Gold Standard and contributes to 9 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- Households save an average of 131 hours per year that they would otherwise spend collecting firewood.
- The air quality inside the rooms improves noticeably, according to 94% of beneficiaries.
- The project conducts various training programs with over 400 people each year.
- 415 women now receive an income that is four times higher than at the beginning of the project.
- 335,000 people have access to efficient and clean cooking facilities through the project.
- 518 people now receive an income that is four times higher than at the beginning of the project.
- Each stove reduces firewood consumption by 2.3 tons per year.
- Durch jeden Herd wird vermieden, dass etwa 3,1 t CO2e pro Jahr in
die Atmosphäre abgegeben werden. The project thus saves a total of 584,406 tons of firewood per year, equivalent to 1,670 ha of rainforest - So far, 59,000 efficient cookstoves have been installed and 10 stove production groups have been established.

Deforestation is the cause with the second largest impact on climate change after the burning of fossil fuels. Since 1973, the island of Borneo has lost over 400,000 hectares (4,000 square kilometers) of rainforest. Nearly half of Borneo’s forest loss since 2000 has been due to palm oil plantations, for which rainforests across Indonesia have been destroyed.
REDD+ stands for “”Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation””. The United Nations REDD+ projects pursue long-term strategies to address the causes of deforestation and forest degradation.
This project is saving 64,500 hectares of carbon rich peat swamp forests with high biodiversity in lowland Borneo from conversion to palm oil plantations that surround the entire project area. Project activities avoid the release of 3.5 million metric tons of CO2 equivalents into the atmosphere each year. In addition, local communities are supported through training in sustainable agriculture, and biodiversity and wildlife habitat are protected. In total, more than 120 threatened and endangered species live in the project area, including the endangered Bornean orangutan.
The project is accredited by the Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) and the Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards (CCBS). In addition, this project is the first forest conservation project in the world to have its own contribution to the environment, biodiversity and social SDGs independently verified under the newly created Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta).
- The project finances community enterprises such as handicraft production as well as directly employs the local population.
- The local population receives further training in horticulture.
- Medical care is provided through the project, including vaccinations
vaccinations and the construction and operation of a clinic. - The project funds a scholarship fund as well as technology and solar lighting for schools.
- Funding for joint ventures is specifically geared toward the advancement of women.
- Every household in the project area has access to a clean water system.
- Every household in the project area was equipped with a solar light and electric system.
- The project will finance community enterprises and directly employ local people.
- Through the project, there is capacity building for agriculture and knowledge transfer regarding aquaculture.
- The project ensures the mandatory involvement of women in the decision-making
decision-making process and in all meetings between project developers and community leaders. - Alternative, sustainable income streams are being developed.
- The project will create incentive programs to return to local food production and promote a recycling bank program.
- The project has prevented the conversion of 64,500 hectares of peat forests worthy of protection into oil palm forests.
- Almost 100% of the project area is a wetland reserve, which represents a
vital fish breeding area. - The project encompasses one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, is the largest privately funded orangutan sanctuary, and preserves vital habitat for more than 100 endangered species.
- The project works with the ministry and assists communities in working with government development agencies.
- The project works with the Orangutan Foundation International, World Education and local, provincial and national government.